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Innate – Intelligence

Thank you for visiting our website – being here is the first step towards taking control of your own health and wellbeing!

Our team at Innate Intelligence are passionate about helping you to discover your own Inner Wisdom which embraces every aspect of your physical, emotional and spiritual being.

Our wide range of bio resonance scans can give you the confidence and knowledge to understand more about your own body and how well it is functioning at any one time. We can then support and help you to plan your future health journey in a similar way to which you can plan to take care of your financial future.

We’re all quick to make decisions about our health based on what we think. But is ‘what we think’ always the best way?

If we feel run down, tired and our mood is low it’s all too easy to blame our stressful hectic lifestyle and we don’t stop to question whether this is really the cause of the problem.

A Bio Resonance Scan which measures our energetic energy balance gives us the option to look more deeply at what’s happening in our bodies at any one time and if we find imbalances in how our system is working, to correct these by choosing to make lifestyle or dietary changes or to introduce supplements or sleep hygiene into our health regime.

We know that everything on earth has a vibration. Even your kitchen table has its very own unique frequency!

Every organ, every system, every cell… all beat to their own personal rhythm. The frequency reading taken by the machine can be used to identify and record imbalances. This works in a similar way to a mechanic taking an electrical components reading by plugging a car into a machine that can identify imbalances or faults.

The Asyra bio resonance machine reads the vibrational frequencies of our bodies.

You might ask – ‘How do you measure a frequency?’

All frequencies are measured in Hertz. Each of the 45,000 plus items within the programme of the machine has its own frequency. The areas selected for your particular scan are measured against the optimal range and where there are imbalances remedies can be suggested – see the individual scan details for more information about this.

The bio resonance scan results allow us to home in on particular health concerns such as food intolerances or environmental toxins. For example, a scan can be run to test for vitamin deficiencies. The scan can identify levels that are either too high or too low and recommendations can be made to restore balance to your energetic system

Take charge of your health and wellbeing

‘I work with individuals who want to live healthy lives and to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

I use bio resonance scanning to help identify existing imbalances within your body’s energetic system and provide support to enable the underlying causes of these to be addressed and a healthy well balanced system restored.’

By now you may well be asking the question: Is this for me? How will I benefit if I book a scan

At Innate Intelligence we strongly believe that being able to take control of our own health is definitely for everyone.

In 2021 I was approached by a lady I will name Vivienne, here is her story.

Client Scan Journey: Vivienne 2021

Vivienne contacted me as she had heard about my work with bio-resonance scanning and although only in her early twenties she was concerned because so many of her close family had suffered from dementia.

l asked Vivienne to send me a hair sample and ran a gene scan. The result showed that she had inherited the APOE gene which predisposes a person to dementia from both of her parents so her chances of developing dementia were doubled. Vivienne started on our programme of functional therapy (which included supplements and lifestyle changes) aimed at cleaning up these genes and restoring balance to her energetic system and so reducing her chances of developing dementia in later life.

One year later:

Vivienne had another scan which clearly showed that the genes that were previously in disharmony were now energetically balanced. Vivienne was ecstatic and feels so much more in control of her own health destiny.

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