What is Bio Resonance Scanning?

We know that everything on earth has a vibration. Even your kitchen table has its very own unique energy frequency

Bio Resonance scanning has been in use for about 40 years. It is used in holistic and complementary medicine and is a system which has he ability to check and analyse all of the automatic processes and internal functions of the body. A functional health assessment of the body’s tissues can then be produced and in so doing the root of any problems can be addressed.

To live our healthiest lives our energy frequencies needs to be in balance. When imbalances occur it is a sign that our physical, emotional or spiritual bodies need attention.

Bio resonance scanning gives a holistic non invasive insight into energy imbalances that may be making us feel unwell or tired and means we no longer need to make random choices based on what we think.

A Bio Resonance machine measures energy imbalances that are occurring within our bodies. Using the results of the scan the practitioner can suggest treatments that can alter the energy field of out of balance electronic waves detected by the machine.

Innate – Intelligence Scans

We use the Asyra Bio Resonance machine which can run a wide range of detailed scans and produce in depth reports and also guidelines as to how imbalances can be addressed and corrected.

What the Scan does

The bio resonance machine reads the vibrational frequencies of our bodies. Every organ, every system, every cell…all beat to their own personal rhythm. The energy frequency reading taken by the machine can be used to identify and record imbalances, this works in a similar way to a mechanic taking an electrical components reading by plugging a car into a machine that can identify imbalances or faults.

What the Scan might show

A bio resonance scan which can detect imbalances in our energetic energy can help us to understand more about how our bodies are performing and much research has been done which can help us to correct imbalances and to live our lives in the most healthy way for each of us as individuals.

The Results

The bio resonance scan results allow us to home in on particular health concerns such as food intolerances or environmental toxins. For example, a scan can be run to test machine for magnesium deficiency. The scan will measure for the levels that have been set for optimisation within this balanced spectrum.

During the scan process resonance and frequency information is collected and then communicated back into the machine (which has over 40,000 programmed frequencies) allowing a reading to be taken of the body’s resonance and vibration.

We then use this information to generate a clear picture of your energetic health and to alert us to imbalances which may need support.

A bio resonance scan is non invasive and does not allow room for bias from either the client or the practitioner conducting the scan. It can be used safely for children over 4 years old, pets and during pregnancy.

Acknowledging and understanding our energetic body empowers us and can be likened to the final puzzle piece in our holistic and preventative healing journey.

But tell me more Rebecca

A mechanic can plug your car into a computer which can identify faults in need correcting. A bio resonance scan can identify imbalances in our energetic system, these can be caused by a multitude of factors many of which we would never have even considered.

Innate Intelligence scans can come with reports and recommendations that will empower you with the knowledge to address imbalances in your energetic system and so enjoy your best possible health. Our fantastic range of scans include scans which look at your genetic health, scans that can detect Lyme disease, scans that can identify specific food and environmental intolerances together with scans that can look specifically at the health of men and women

– read on to discover more!

We work with individuals who are looking to be positive proactive and in control of their own health!

Client  Scan Journey

Rachel approached me to find out if I could help her as both her parents had bowel issues (colitis and diverticulitis) and she herself suffered constantly from constipation and other abdominal discomfort. Although Rachel had been assured by her doctor that there was no underlying medical cause she wanted to find out if there was anything at all out there that might help her.

Rachel had a gene scan which revealed that her PEMT gene which predisposes individuals to weak cell membranes and which inhibits cell repair and regeneration was out of balance.

I suggested that Rachel take choline together with probiotics and B vitamins. She did this for 6 months and by the end of that period her bowel had returned to working normally and she now has no constipation issues.

Rachel has since messaged me to say how amazing she feels and how incredibly good it is to have no constipation problems after so may years of suffering.

You may be still asking: Is it worth it? Can I really benefit from a Bio Resonance Scan?

The Innate Intelligence answer to this question is:

   ‘Yes absolutely yes! ‘

‘We can all benefit even if we feel fit and healthy, not least because of the MASSIVE range of insights into our personal health that scans can give us’

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