Rebecca Bindon

Creator and Owner of Innate Intelligence Bioresonance Scan Practitioner

Member of International College of Applied Kinesiology UK

I have over 20 years of experience as a Health Practitioner. I have always been passionate about the health and wellbeing of my clients – they have put their faith in me and I want to do my best for them.

Keeping my skills updated and adding new ones through study and training courses with practitioners who are the best in their field has been ongoing and of paramount importance to me.

Over time I have truly come to realise that if we want to be healthy and lead our best lives then we need to take control of our own health with a truly holistic approach that allows us to understand and monitor our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

When I started to look at bio resonance scanning it soon became clear that it is an incredible non invasive way of checking how our bodies are functioning at any one time without the need for  blood tests or any medical procedures. My interest and passion for helping my family, friends and clients led me to purchase the Asyra Bio Resonance machine.

How It Started

My family and friends mean everything to me and when I started to realise that a bio resonance scan can give us an insight not only into our genetic make up but also how our bodies are functioning in a myriad of ways at any one time, I wanted to be able to use the various scans available on the Asyra to help keep those closest to me safe and to give them the knowledge and understanding to be able to lead truly happy healthy lives.

A gene health scan allows us to access information about our own personal genetic code and make up.  It can indicate if we might be predisposed to conditions such as cancer or heart disease and if we are there are steps we can take to lessen our chances of developing the condition.

Time after time during my years as a Health Practitioner clients have told me that they have low energy levels, low moods and constant fatigue.  In addition to reassuring my clients that for most people this absolutely does not mean that they are ill I can now use bio resonance scanning to identify energy imbalances within their bodies which might be very likely causes of these symptoms. The machine produces a report and by interpreting this report we can make lifestyle changes, use supplements, make changes to our diet and use energetic imprints to correct the energy imbalances that are preventing us from living our healthiest lives.

Read more in our BIO RESONANCE section.

Rebecca is not practicing as a qualified, registered, licensed and insured western allopathic medical practitioner or doctor. She is practicing as a qualified, registered, licensed and insured holistic practitioner, who does not offer to diagnose, screen, treat, cure or prevent any allopathic medical disease or condition. 

Let’s Stay in Touch!


Innate Intelligence

Fursdon Old Barn,






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