Client Love

We have been so blessed to work with a variety of clients from all over the world. These kind words remind us why we are following our Divine Purpose. Having the honour to be part of and witness healing journey transformations is why we do what we do.

Client Scan Journey

Ron was a Dementia patient in a nursing home. His family contacted me as they were concerned that he was aggressive and distressed and they wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help Ron to exist in a calmer and more peaceful place.

I made a visit to Ron and ran a ‘Gene Scan‘ and a ‘Comprehensive Scan’, the results of which clearly showed that he was suffering from a low level urinary tract infection. Also, his omega oils were failing to break down in his body and this was contributing to his distress.

Ron’s family were very happy for us to help, so I suggested that a conventional antibiotic was prescribed by his doctor. In addition, blackcurrant seed oil was used to restore balance and enable normal breakdown of omega oils to take place. 

A week later I received a grateful message from Ron’s son – his Dad was free from pain and discomfort, calm and generally far better than he would ever have expected him to be.

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