Full Comprehensive Scan

An allergen and parasite scan is NOT the same as a food allergy and food sensitivity scan. This scan identifies non food allergies which include allergies to: chemicals, dust mites, grasses, weeds or trees, insect bites, latex, medicines, pets, soaps and
shampoos, glues and adhesives.
More unusual are substances such as play dough (may contain wheat), bird feeders (may contain crushed nuts) stuffed toys (may contain crushed nuts) – these can also cause sensitivities and allergies.

This scan can also help to identify the root cause of uncomfortable and/or painful conditions such as hay fever and sinus headaches. Acute sinusitis is often caused by bacteria. Other causes include fungus infection and parasites.  The adult parasite is found throughout the nasal passages and sometimes can reach the sinuses and middle ear. In common with other nasal parasites, it acts as an irritant causing sneezing and catarrhal inflammation.

Other symptoms caused by allergens and parasites can include:

  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Dehydration
  • Weight Loss
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Digestive problems including unexplained constipation, diarrhea or persistent gas.
  • Skin issues such as rashes, eczema, hives, and itching.
  • Continuous muscle and joint pain.

An allergen and parasite scan can help to establish their presence and levels in the body and also the level of sensitivity which the body has to them. Where energetic imbalances are found suggestions solutions which may help to restore balance can be suggested.

Booking a Scan


Your name and date of birth
Your email address
Your full postal address
A hair sample which is no more than 3 weeks old which you post to us


Cut a 2- 3 cm hair sample
Pack in a clear sealable bag labelled with your name and date of birth
Post to: Innate Intelligence, Fursdon Old Barn, Staverton, Totnes, Devon TQ96AJ
You will be sent an email receipt when your hair sample arrives


You will receive your scan report by email within 5 working days of the arrival of your hair sample. This report shows energy imbalances within your body systems. You can then utilise these findings deciding whether to work with physical medicine (supplements, herbal remedies, mineral), energetic medicine (Bio Resonant frequencies, Royal Rife Frequencies) and emotional medicine (essential oils, kinesiology, hypnotherapy). The information you will attain allows you to holistically address all the layers of health and wellbeing – treating the whole rather than the symptom.

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