Dietary, Allergen, and Sensitivity Scan

Eating foods that are not right for our bodies, specific food allergies, allergies to pets, dust or other environmental factors together with sensitivity to light, noise or even touch can all cause distress and discomfort in our day to day lives. Who really wants to be plagued with the embarrassment and distress caused by continual sneezing, nose running and eyes watering?

It’s also debilitating and unpleasant to feel nauseous or bloated after eating but unable to identify any specific cause – we often hear our friends say things like ‘I think I’m allergic to bread, I always feel bloated after eating a sandwich’
However it is only conjecture as to whether it is actually the bread that is causing the problem.

Eating certain foods can definitely cause some people to experience unpleasant reactions or ‘food hypersensitivity’. Food hypersensitivity reactions involve the immune system and common causes of food intolerances are:

Dairy products, gluten, caffeine, eggs, nuts, fish and meat.

We can divide the foods we eat into 3 distinctive categories, these are:

  • Biogenic foods which raise our energy in a positive way
  • Biostatic foods which have a neutral effect on our bodies
  • Biocidic food which downgrade our energy and may occasionally put our systems into a state of ‘over energy’

Symptoms of a food intolerance or sensitivity typically involve the digestive system, skin and respiratory system. Common symptoms include:

Bloating, diarrhea, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, stomach pain and fatigue.

All of these allergies and sensitivities cause imbalances in our energetic system and the scan can not only identify the cause of a particular allergy or sensitivity but also measure the extent of the imbalance so that solutions which may help to restore balance can be suggested.

In addition the scan can provide information about how key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids are performing within our bodies and suggestions for correcting imbalances can be made.

    Booking a Scan


    Your name and date of birth
    Your email address
    Your full postal address
    A hair sample which is no more than 3 weeks old which you post to us


    Cut a 2- 3 cm hair sample
    Pack in a clear sealable bag labelled with your name and date of birth
    Post to: Central Totnes
    You will be sent an email receipt when your hair sample arrives


    You will receive your scan report by email within 5 working days of the arrival of your hair sample. This report shows energy imbalances within your body systems. You can then utilise these findings deciding whether to work with physical medicine (supplements, herbal remedies, mineral), energetic medicine (Bio Resonant frequencies, Royal Rife Frequencies) and emotional medicine (essential oils, kinesiology, hypnotherapy). The information you will attain allows you to holistically address all the layers of health and wellbeing – treating the whole rather than the symptom.

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