Full Comprehensive Scan


This scan identifies multiple energetic imbalances including:

  • Levels of high bioenergetic stress within your body
  • Nutritional and hormonal imbalances
  • A range of toxins which can occur within the body
  • Fungus, bacteria, viruses
  • Workplace toxins (metals/asbestos/wood etc)
  • Thyroid performance imbalances

A full comprehensive scan checks the whole body from head to toe. The scan checks on organ functionality and produces a functional health assessment of the body’s tissues getting to the root of any problems.

The full comprehensive scan will detect subtle imbalances or ‘stress potentials’ in your body. The practitioner can then plan proactive measures to help correct any energy imbalance and to protect or regain your health.

If nutritional or hormonal imbalances are detected it is incredible how effective simple changes to diet and lifestyle can be in helping you to regain energy and lose that feeling of constant tiredness and/or stress. Adding the right supplements to your food intake together with the use of essential oils can also make a massive positive difference.

There are a whole range of toxins which can occur within the body. These include workplace toxins such as metals, asbestos, wood and radiation. Such toxins, together with fungi, bacteria and viruses can be individually located and identified and if they are causing a problem effective steps can be taken to reduce or eliminate their harmful effects.

The scan can detect imbalances in thyroid performance which often manifest themselves in the form of poor digestion, tiredness and lack of energy. Again there are a range of positive intervention techniques which can help to restore thyroid performance balance.

The full comprehensive scan is a great non invasive and gentle way of discovering the current state of our health and identifying problems caused by energetic imbalances many of which can be addressed easily and successfully. The scan gives us the opportunity to take a look, understand and take control.

Booking a Scan


Your name and date of birth
Your email address
Your full postal address
A hair sample which is no more than 3 weeks old which you post to us


Cut a 2- 3 cm hair sample
Pack in a clear sealable bag labelled with your name and date of birth
Post to: Central Totnes
You will be sent an email receipt when your hair sample arrives


You will receive your scan report by email within 5 working days of the arrival of your hair sample. This report shows energy imbalances within your body systems. You can then utilise these findings deciding whether to work with physical medicine (supplements, herbal remedies, mineral), energetic medicine (Bio Resonant frequencies, Royal Rife Frequencies) and emotional medicine (essential oils, kinesiology, hypnotherapy). The information you will attain allows you to holistically address all the layers of health and wellbeing – treating the whole rather than the symptom.

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