There are probably very few women for whom the menstrual cycle does not cause questions and problems at some point. Issues include concerns about the length of the cycle itself to the discomfort, inconvenience and even embarrassing problems caused by very heavy periods through to the difficulties experienced by menopausal and post menopausal women of all ages. In addition to the physical manifestations stress and emotional symptoms are also often present.

When considering women’s health we are basically concerning ourselves with the endocrine system.
Endocrinology is the branch of medicine that cares for patients with hormone- related disease. The endocrine system involves the hormone-releasing glands. These include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries and testicles.

Common symptoms of energetic imbalances specific to women’s health are:
Excessive or painful bleeding during menstruation, bleeding between periods, a feeling of fullness/bloating in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, painful sex, low back pain and constipation.

Hormonal issues are myriad and complex but a few common examples are:

  • Fibroids, which can be caused by the overproduction of oestrogen and under production of progesterone.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome which has been linked to high levels of insulin in the body and also to stress.
  • Menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, low mood or anxiety are all linked to naturally declining levels of oestrogen and progesterone.

Some foods are also associated with the over or under production of hormones within the body. Different vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, animal products, and even herbs have chemicals in them that contain, engage with, or imitate hormones
Phytoestrogen is a common compound that imitates oestrogen and is found in foods such as soya.

A women’s health scan can reveal much information about hormonal imbalances which cause so many unwanted symptoms for many women. Specifically targeted options for redressing these imbalances can then be suggested.

Booking a Scan


Your name and date of birth
Your email address
Your full postal address
A hair sample which is no more than 3 weeks old which you post to us


Cut a 2- 3 cm hair sample
Pack in a clear sealable bag labelled with your name and date of birth
Post to: Central Totnes
You will be sent an email receipt when your hair sample arrives


You will receive your scan report by email within 5 working days of the arrival of your hair sample. This report shows energy imbalances within your body systems. You can then utilise these findings deciding whether to work with physical medicine (supplements, herbal remedies, mineral), energetic medicine (Bio Resonant frequencies, Royal Rife Frequencies) and emotional medicine (essential oils, kinesiology, hypnotherapy). The information you will attain allows you to holistically address all the layers of health and wellbeing – treating the whole rather than the symptom.

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